Thursday, July 16, 2009


July... I wonder if anyone ever named their baby JULY... I have heard of SUMMER but you don't hear JULY to often as some one's name.... I have heard of June and August for girls. July could be male or female!

I have nothing new to report on Meghan since someone and some bodies including our Michael don't feel the need to keep us as informed as we would like to be kept. We don't know but assume she is still in the hospital and it feels awkward calling her family. Michael went to the hospital to see her on Sunday - last report we had. Ended up talking to her parents in the parking lot and never went up to see Meghan. This leaves me baffled since he has never not gone up to see her after her countless treatments and surgeries. Continued Prayers for her parents, and for Meghan's spirit and light, her wisdom, understanding, love, that she be free pain that the medications work. And for her medical team.

Numerous messages have been left for Michael on Meghan's phone and his new phone (we think he got his replacement phone in the mail after the old one was stolen). AHHHH! what is a mom to do I just want to know that he is coping and to hear his voice is always reassuring. Don't they understand MOM thinking?

GOOD NEWS - Rich went for his CT scans last week to the City of Hope and all is good. THANK GOD. As he says he has a pass till late October before he has to go check in with the COH doctors again.

The rest of July looks to be busy! Kevin and the kids come this weekend to celebrate July and August birthdays. They will be here through Sunday. Kelly and Cassie come on Sunday for Vacation Bible School all next week. Saturday July 25th is the HYLANDS ISLAND MILLION DOLLAR DINNER EXPERIENCE. Then it is time for vacation on that tropical moist island of New Jersey.

Stay Cool out there...! Thanks for your continued prayers...


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