Thursday, November 19, 2009


Still here on earth in case you wondering. Lots to do and no time to blog... Everyone at the Island is good and wondering where the time has gone with Thanksgiving next week. Big crowds expected here at the Island between 18 and 20. Ordered Mr. Bird today which I woke up thinking about at 5:00 am. don't you love it when some dumb thought wakes you up from a nice warm cozy deep sleep. So I got up early went to Gelsons and ordered my turkey. Now it will have to be some other dumb thought that wakes me up tomorrow. Anyway don't know if I will get back to this before the bird goes in the oven in a WEEK... so happy turkey day to all my friends out there love you all. .... God Bless and may your T-day leave you feeling blessed and bursting like you ate to much.. which we probably will.