Tuesday, April 8, 2008


REMISSION..... you are cancer free and we don't need to see you for 3 months.... AMAZING words. God does answer prayers and I know we had lots of people praying for us. People I don't even know, that is why (to me) prayer can be so amazing. It is true even though it is still sinking in that Rich's lymphoma is currently gone and he is in remission! It is like walking around in dark sun glasses and then you take them off and it is so much brighter! It is a busy Monday morning so off I go to get started. I will try and post a picture later of Rich and his doctor and his physician's assistant I took yesterday after we received the GOOD NEWS. Thank you everyone near and far and may God Bless you with a great week.


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you guys. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!


Anonymous said...

excellent news!