Saturday, May 24, 2008

Good Week and Midnight at the Oasis

Don't you love packages that are unexpected. We got some mighty fine souvenirs from our St. Thomas travelers, this week. A lot of booty came in the box and the picture shows some of our goodies - Caribbean rum (can't wait to jump into that bottle), cookbook, candy, shells, golf ball, really cute bag with the pineapple on the front, t-shirts for Jeff and Rich.... and my favorite a little scrapbook with pictures of them having a wonderful "vacation of a lifetime". The second package was from Me and My Big Ideas... aka: or for short MAMBI. They were giving these away on Terri Gick's Blog,
and I won! Imagine my surprise when I saw my name as a WINNER. I would just like to say thanks to MAMBI... Your products have come so far from the little stick figure stickers that I still have in my old scrapbooking stash. LOVE the new stuff and the BLING. I even used some of the 6x6 paper last night in my niece Cassies 8th grade graduation book...

Okay let's talk about last night.... We didn't quite make it to MIDNIGHT AT THE OASIS (Scrapbook Oasis) but we came close. Scrappin with Lia and Cheryl last night was great. You know if you are a crop groupie when you giggle, laugh and everything is funny... your like high from the smell of adhesive and gitty from using your paper cutter (if you are not a scrapper DO NOT BE ALARMED you really don't get HIGH from scrap adhesive, we just get stupid and we like to blame it on something besides our need only to LAUGH). I swear I was close to having a croppin hangover this am. Oh but those creative juices are flowing... only 23 more trips up and down the stairs as I empty my car of all the stuff I just had to have for a 5 hour crop and I can get cropping at home (only thing missing two scrapping friends and LAUGHTER). One more funny! Jeff comes in yesterday through the garage sees my car full to the brim with scrap stuff and said to me " Looks like SCRAP NATION, tonight".

I bet you are wondering who is that handsome Blondie male with the great red boots and NASCAR socks? That is Gracie's tender footed brother Bunker. You can see her and her other brother T-Bone in the background. Seems Bunker maybe big but that doesn't mean he is a male without a soft spot... seems to be his paws... I am still laughing. The picture is not nearly as funny as seeing him actually walk, jump and run in those silly things. The last picture I snapped while driving... slowly down the street in the side mirror of Grace in the car just enjoying life. Have a great weekend and GOD bless to everyone on Memorial Day for the freedom to laugh and play with adhesive...
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