Wednesday, April 4, 2007

This is Hard

Day one of Rich's harvest is now turning into day 4 tomorrow. They are almost done with harvesting the stem cells but one more long day to go. To say he/we have seen enough of the Hoag Cancer center is an understatement. Wow there are some really sick people that go there for treatment and it does not feel to me that we are sick like they are so my question is what are we doing there? We both need a really good night sleep and it is just about impossible for him to sleep with that catheter in his right shoulder - has to sleep on his back... Can't wait for tomorrow to be over for my wonderful husband, the harvest should be complete and they will pull the catheter. I get the day off and I am already feeling guilty since I am going to play a little tennis and go to lunch with a friend - late birthday gift...We have logged a lot of together hours over the past three days. The day ended great. Mom and I went to David's Salon in Costa Mesa to get our hair tinted, weaved and cut we look beautiful. Early BD gift for mom since her birthday is on Easter Sunday this year....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jackie,
Just want you to know that you've been on my mind. Praying all goes well for you and Rich. Hang in there.