Tuesday, February 12, 2008

There is No Place Like HOME

Just wanted to send a quick e-mail/Blog Post for those that don't already know.... but Rich's white count was at 1000 yesterday and he worked his doctor (just a little) that he would be fine and recover better at home.... She agreed and sent him packing. I am happy to report he is back home and a much happier man, sleeping in his own bed, giving Gracie pets and already his appetite is returning. He is quite sure he did receive female platelets and blood in the hospital since he was feeling emotional and a little weepy.

We still have lots of trips on the calendar for return visits to the City of Hope, but they will be day trips. Including today at 11:00 the good news is they are DAY TRIPS and he does not have to stay.

Your prayers, love, cards, phone calls and good thoughts have worked. They are telling us the transplant cells are starting to mature and do their job! Praise GOD what great news.

Thank you all so much for everything. Please continue to keep us in your prayers for continued healing and success. Love to all of you and have a wonderful day.