Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I killed the Cell phone

Okay I am some what calming down but not much.  I am still 5 hours later -  so mad at that Irvine motorcycle cop that gave me a cell phone TICKET. He called me a good sport.  What the blazes does that mean. Does he call his wife a good sport too - is that some sort of endearment? You know I could have been putting on makeup, shaving my arm pits and hanging my bra out the window to dry and I would not have gotten a ticket.   But answer the phone while stopped at my home stop sign where the cop is hiding in the shade and let him see you answer the phone - make your left hand turn and it is a red and blue light show in your rear view mirror.  I am frosted and MAD... he did not have to give me a ticket... But being the good sport that I am I guess he figured what the heck - she looks like a good sport and  now I can go eat lunch.   I pulled 30 seconds later into my garage and felt so much frustration that I threw my cell phone on the ground and needless to say it is not working.  So I killed the cell phone.  The fact is, I still have a nice pink ticket in my purse which is going to cost some money.  

If your asking why does she not have a blue tooth... I do.  Since I was 3 blocks and about 1 minute from home I had just finished walking Grace down by the freeway and I did not turn all my equipment (bluetooth) on to go the  3 blocks.  The phone rings it is Rich, he has a report from his doctor visit .... went like this pull up to stop sign - STOP - ring - pick up phone - make turn ... light show and a pink slip!  Oh happy Day...

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