Friday, May 4, 2007

NSD Count Down

Counting down the hours til it is time to pack the car and head to the OASIS (Scrapbook Oasis) that is for NATIONAL SCRAP BOOK DAY. I go to these things more to socialize than to get things done I think... I feel organized and prepared - Fells like I packed all day for my extended day at the Oasis. Yes it feels like a mini vacation is coming - at least for the day... I am so excited my friend Donna is going with me this year and I'm to save a seat for another special friend (you know who you are) if I get their first. Although I have been to so many scrap classes and fun stuff at the Oasis - so many of the faces feel familiar they all feel like friends. I blame it all on the Oasis and those warm tropical breezes...

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